LSD blotter paper


How long does it last?

You may begin to feel the effects of one tab of acid within 20 to 90 minutes Trusted Source of ingesting the drug.

Although the average acid trip can last anywhere from 6 to 15 hours Trusted Source, most trips won’t last more than 12 hours Trusted Source. After your trip is over, you may experience “afterglow” effects for another six hours.

Between the initial trip and the comedown, it can take up to 24 hours before your body returns to its typical state of being.

Traces of acid will be detectable in your urine for five days and in your hair follicles for 90 days after ingestion.

Read on to learn more about what to expect during a trip and why these effects last so long.

What is LSD exactly, and why do its effects last so long?

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or acid as it’s commonly known, is a potent, long-lasting psychoactive drug. In part, it’s derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.

The synthetic drug has a chemical structure similar to serotonin, a “feel-good” chemical in your brain.

When acid molecules land on serotonin receptors, they cause LSD’s well-known visual and physical effects. This includes color and shape distortions, hallucinations, and other psychedelic effects.

LSD molecules bind more strongly to serotonin receptors than serotonin itself. When the molecules nestle into the receptor pockets, amino acids within the receptor put a “lid” over the molecules. This traps the molecules in place.

The drug’s effects won’t begin to fade until the molecules are knocked off or come loose from the serotonin receptor. This can take anywhere from 6 to 15 hours Trusted Source. It all depends on the potency of the drug, your size, and any other medications you might be taking.

What might you experience during an acid trip?

LSD is a psychoactive drug. The effects of the drug often alter your perception of your environment, your body, your mood, and your thoughts. What’s real and what’s imagined become less clear during an acid trip. .  .  .  .   .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .

The effects of an acid trip can be felt in two ways:

  • how acid affects your body
  • how acid affects your brain

Effects on your brain/perception

LSD creates powerful hallucinogenic effects. Your senses are heightened during a trip. Everything in your environment may feel amplified.

During an acid trip, you may see:

  • brighter colors
  • changing shapes
  • trails behind objects
  • unusual patterns
  • “noisy” colors

LSD can also amplify your mood. If you take acid when you’re feeling good, you may feel more relaxed, happy, or content. You may also become unusually excited and joyful.

If you take acid while you’re upset or angry about something or someone, you may grow more upset or frustrated during the trip. Take your current mood and surroundings into account before you decide to trip.
